Frequently Asked Questions

We hope you find what you’re looking for here.

Our Mission

To create an extremely efficient, professional, and advanced medical platform utilizing ever-improving artificial intelligence to streamline patient record keeping, to lighten the workload of and provide support to physicians and healthcare workers around the globe.

Is this service HIPAA compliant?

Yes. We ensure that all data and the transfer of data falls in line with the requirements HIPAA sets forth. As changes occur, it is our promise that you will not have to worry about it. We’ll take care of it.

How do I explain this to my patients?

Click this link for helpful ways to discuss this with your patients. We want you to be comfortable.

What are all the steps involved in writing a note?

Simply follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Apollo profile.

  2. Click Start button at the beginning of your encounter.

  3. Proceed with your patient encounter. The more details you audibly obtain from the patient, and the more details you give to the patient, the better the note will be.

  4. Once your encounter is over, click the Stop button.

  5. Your note will then be created. You can see it on the left side panel.

  6. Review the note for accuracy.

  7. Copy/Paste the note to the target location, and you’re done!

How can I use this with my unique EMR?

Apollo will work for you, no matter which EMR you use.. Because it is a web-based service, you can simply copy/paste your notes from Apollo to your EMR of choice.

Do I need to download an app for this?

No! This is a web-based service, all you need is an internet browser and a microphone.

If you don’t have a microphone on your computer, you can use your cell phone. To do this, open up your internet browser of choice on the phone, log in to your account on the Apollo website, and hit Start when you begin your encounter. After you’ve finished the encounter, the note will be saved to your profile, and you can now pull it up on your desktop or other computer of choice.

You can use these same steps on an iPad or other tablet device as well.

Do I need an internet connection?

Yes. Apollo’s AI scribe must be run while connected to the internet. If your internet ever goes down, rest assured that whatever notes you have created will still be saved in your profile. Maybe in the future we’ll have the ability to run something like this off-line, but with the way AI technology works currently, it’s just not possible. (But that’s good, right? We don’t want to give AI TOO much power…)

How long will my notes be available?

Unless you delete them manually, all of your notes will be available for 30 days. After that, they are automatically deleted so as to not overburden you.

What if I need to cancel my service?

No problem at all. Simply navigate to your profile page, and click “Subscription Settings”. Look for the option to discontinue your membership. (No need for this currently, as service is free in Beta)

Are there group rates?

There will be! Hit the “Contact Us” button you see at the top of this page and send a message stating your interest in group rates. We’ll shortly be in touch.

What if my computer crashes during an appointment?

We realize that unexpected events occur. If you run into a problem, reach out to us at and we will do our best to remedy the situation. Any notes that had finished generating will be saved. In the extremely rare case that you were still recording, we may or may not be able to recover the progress of that specific encounter. We cannot guarantee recovery of all notes when such events occur. But we can guarantee that you’ll still want to use our service…

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